Listing Picture of a Kitchen

Photo courtesy of Dru Bloomfield

Did you catch the article “8 Camera Tips to Capture a Room’s Size” in the July/August 2010 issue of REALTOR® Magazine?

Because buyers will often decide whether they will look at a house based on the online photographs, it’s important to take photos that really do convey the best of the property.

Several of the tips in this article work best with homes that are furnished, such as:

  • Remove area rugs to make rooms look larger.
  • Get creative with furniture by removing pieces in a crowded room.
  • Remove clutter to keep eyes focused on the room’s features.

Other tips are more focused on using your camera smartly:

  • Use a wide-angle camera because it captures more of the room’s space.
  • Use mirrors to your advantage, possibly to catch a portion of the room that you can’t get any other way.
  • Shoot at an angle, capturing the longest visual line into the room.

And probably the most important tip for any house, in any situation, is to get as much light into the room as possible, but not shoot into the light source.

For more rationale on the tips above (plus Tip #8), you can read the full article here.

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