Video camera and womanAre you looking for ways to grow your business? Video is a great way to differentiate your business. Here are 5 ways to use video in your Real Estate Business.

Make it personal

When Arthur Brisbane first said “a picture is worth a thousand words” he may not have been talking about video – but he was definitely onto something. One, purposeful video says more than a dictionary full of words. Utilizing video as a relationship builder creates a connection between you and your audience. Be personable, be pleasant, but most of all be yourself.

Here’s an example by John Wake, REALTOR®

Keep it short & imperfect
No need to publish a two-minute video when 30 seconds is all you need. While you may enjoy spending hours editing a video, it’s not always necessary. What is critical is consistency and a timely message.

Here’s an example by Nick Bastian, REALTOR®

Be Specific

Instead of walking down the halls and showing each and every bedroom, highlight the home’s “best feature”. By using this “tip of the iceberg” effect, your audience’s interest will be peaked and it will leave them wanting to know more.

Use a “Call To Action”

People often feel obligated to answer questions. “What color would you paint this room?” invites conversation.  “Did you know ?” sets you up as an expert. “Want to see more?” is the perfect way to invite people to contact you for a personal tour of their own.

Don’t Forget to Share

You wouldn’t write a book and then not publish it, would you? Same applies to video. Don’t forget to share (or publish) your video online via popular networks such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, G+ and Linkedin.

If you’re using video in your business, we’d love to hear from you.  Share with us how you are using video and the results you’ve had because of it.








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