What does it cost to have a quality, electronic signature program available as often as you need it?  If you’re an Arizona REALTOR® member – nothing!  As an Arizona REALTOR® member, you’re provided an unlimited usage, AAR eSign account at no additional cost.  AAR eSign is powered by GoPaperless, one of the premier providers of electronic signature services in the market today.  Compared to prices paid for other systems, it’s a bargain that’s hard to beat:

AAR eSign (AAR members)         $    0.00 per year

GoPaperless (non-members)          $120.00 per year

EchoSign                                         $179.40 per year

DocuSign                                        $240.00 per year

And to make it even easier to use, support and training are provided by your Arizona REALTOR® Business Services support team.  If you’re an Arizona REALTOR® member, you already have an account.  Need help getting started or have questions on how to use AAR eSign?  Simply contact the Arizona REALTOR® Business Services support department at support@aaronline.com or (866) 833-7357.