Are you still using the printer driver to move forms/documents into AAR eSign for electronic signing?

If so, then you’re going to love eMail2eSignTM. It works from zipForm® (Plus, Standard, or Mobile) or from your own personal email account and is easy to use.

Simply email forms/documents to and a new transaction will be created in your AAR eSign account using your email subject line as the new session name. You will then receive an email confirmation letting you know that your forms/documents have been received and the new session was created.

Have more forms/documents to add? No problem. The confirmation email you receive will have a special email address, so you can add them to the same signing session. It’s simple!

Click here for easy-to-follow instructions. If you still have questions or problems using eMail2eSignTM, email Business Services support or call (866) 833-7357.

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