How to Get Organized with Evernote: A Follow-Up Webinar to Answer Your Questions
Throughout the month of August, Bill Risser from Chicago Title taught us how to set-up our Evernote accounts, how to add notes and organize them into notebooks and notestacks. We learned how to integrate Evernote and our gmail accounts and even saw Evernote on MacBook Pro, Android, iPad! (If you missed out on any of the webinars, they’re available on our website. Click here).
Are you feeling Evernote overwhelm? Maybe you’re going strong and wondering what other options are available? Bill is back to answer your questions!
We heard from a few agents who were wondering “How do I create a template?” or “I can’t find … ” If you have unanswered questions, join us on Monday, November 3rd at 12pm MST as Bill spends one hour answering our questions and getting us back on the Evernote track. When you register, there’s a space to leave your question. Please let us know what we can do to help you fully utilize the power within Evernote to organize your business and be more productive. If you’d like you can also email your questions to Calie Waterhouse at Thank you & we look forward to “seeing” you on November 3rd.