A new feature on AARonline.com enables you to be notified of new and updated pages on the website.

You may choose main categories or subscribe to every change made to the site. You may choose daily or weekly summaries. We invite you to give it a try and let us know what you think.

Accessing the Subscriptions Function
To find the Subscriptions function, click on “My Account” — which is only available when you are logged in.
My Account

Next, select the “Subscriptions” tab.
Subscriptions tab

Next, choose the areas for which you’d like to receive notifications and the frequency of updates (weekly or daily). If it suits your needs, you may even specify a particular email address without affecting any other AAR mailings! Finally, click “Save Subscriptions” to finish.
Save subscriptions

If you select every topic, you will receive notification for every new or updated page on the entire website.

Topics under “NEW!” are temporary and reflect more narrow areas of interest. In most cases, these will remain available for only a short time. This option allows you to receive updates on specific topics we feel are timely, rather than broad categories. In this case, “TRID” updates are included in “Manage Risk” updates, even if you don’t have “TRID” checked.

Some pages updates you receive may reflect extremely minor edits which may not be readily apparent. Still, it’s a great opportunity to refresh your information by reviewing all of the information on the updated page.

We Want Your Input
Please let us know how this is working for you, along with any suggestions, by sending an email to Ron LaMee.