Pushing Past Your Fears
Guest blogger Gunner Mitchell serves on AAR’s Business Services & Technology Committee
“Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will.” – Suzy Kassem
The theme of the 2016 Success Summit by Tom Ferry was to be FEARLESS. Being fearless is not to be without fear, but to understand your fears and continue pushing forward no matter the obstacle ahead.
Creating this fearless lifestyle starts with picking the right model to follow. Since childhood, we look at people we admire and try to be just like them by doing the same things they do; whether that be watching how someone rides a bike, dances, or even talks.
When we like something we see, we try it ourselves. This makes picking the right model very important if you wish to have success like many others. Ninety-percent of top agents have a business plan that they follow and 81-percent have a marketing plan that is mapped out, but who do you model?
Ferry talks about how many REALTORS® get into a rut and do the same things every day, expecting different results. By switching your mindset to being fearless, you realize what got you here may not get you there, so making a change is necessary.
There was a panel of four agents who had their own stories of how switching mindsets changed their lives. (A mindset is simply what you believe to be true.) Waking up at the same time every day, doing the things that better you…stretch, workout, read a book…actually enjoying the morning is critical.
If you wake up, skip breakfast and imagine all the things that could go wrong that day, you set yourself up for failure. Being consistent with your morning routine, just like your marketing, makes anything possible.
Calling a lead one time is not enough; you need to call them five to six times to get their business. The same with your ads. One postcard mailing will not get you far, but send one-a-week for six months and it will pay off. Create consistency by marketing with automated systems and processes. This will save you time in the future to make more calls, set up more appointments, and eventually sell more homes.
Related story: 5 Real Estate Marketing Tasks to Automate (and 5 You Shouldn’t)