If Google says realtor.com® is the best place to get information on REALTORS® and you have a blank profile, potential clients might wonder whether you’re still in business.

This is what a complete profile should look like…
Demo profile page on realtor.com

You have the beautiful background picture at the top. There’s the agent information…Recommendations and Ratings…a contact button to your website, your phone number, your email, everything’s right there.

It’s important to include your photo because the system will bump you towards the bottom of the page, if there’s no picture of you.

Down the middle of the center section, there are Specializations and Areas Served. Those are two areas you absolutely want to fill out because these are the types of search terms that a consumer would use.

Do you handle golf course properties, investment properties, mountain cabins? Anything you can think of that a consumer might Google, put them in there, as well as areas you serve.

A lot of agents will go in and put their company logo in the background. That’s fine, but make extra sure you use a very large logo file because the background is designed for high resolution. If you use a small logo, it may become stretched or pixelated.

Clear and Prominent Identification of the Employing Broker: A licensee must ensure that all advertising identifies, in a clear and prominent manner, the employing broker’s legal name or the dba name contained on the employing broker’s license certificate. A.A.C. R4-28-502(E). – Real Estate Adv. Rules & Guidance

You can get Recommendations from anyone!
Go to your “team”…your lenders, mortgage and title companies, home repairman, painters, plumbers, electricians, pool guys and ask them for Recommendations.

You can actually go into your profile area, enter their email addresses, and ask for a recommendation. The system will automatically invite each one of them. All they have to do is reply to that email. You’ll get a notification, and then you simply read their recommendation and hit approve or disapprove.

Recommendations versus Ratings & Reviews
You don’t have the ability to decline a Review because all the integrity would be gone if everybody could pick and choose the ones they like. However, you do have the ability to invite the clients from as far back as 10 years ago to participate.

How profile pages are effected by teams
Realtor.com® is capable of handling teams, but most MLS’s set up a primary contact — the main person that all the listings go under, and that’s how it gets fed to us. However, in your control panel, there is a place where the team leader can put all the names of the people who are part of that team.
Demo realtor.com team page

Tips for new agents
When you setup your profile, there is actually a check box where you can turn on or off listings. As a new agent, you can also turn off the mapping feature. There’s even a way to use social media to do check-ins.

If you haven’t already done so, create an account and at least put the basic information in your profile. Remember, this is how millions of people a month are finding REALTORS® on realtor.com®.

And if you’ve claimed a .REALTOR domain from NAR, you have to direct it where to go. If you’ve never done anything with it, it automatically points to your profile on realtor.com.

For even more information, watch this realtor.com® Best Kept (FREE) Secrets webinar.

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