REALTORS® from across the Grand Canyon state will converge at Wesley Bolin Plaza on the Capitol Mall in a show of strength-in-numbers! You’re invited to be there from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on January 9, 2018.

Senators and representatives from the Arizona Legislature will talk with constituents like you when they join up to 300 REALTORS® for lunch. Special check-in and meal lines for 2017 and 2018 RAPAC Major Investors are an added bonus this year.

Arizona REALTORS® at the Capitol is customarily held during the first week of the legislative session and lets members show how passionate they are for policies that effect our industry, clients and homeowners.

During last year’s legislative session, nearly 200 of the 1,000 bills introduced would’ve affected the real estate industry in some way. So, it’s important that REALTORS® continue make their presence known at the Capitol.

Fortunately, politics can be fun too. Following lunch, registered REALTOR® members will have an opportunity to visit the Senate and House chambers, where they will be recognized by legislators during floor sessions.

There will also be a digital photo booth on hand — where you will be able to make short videos with your REALTOR® friends and share them on social media.

Space is limited to 300 REALTORS®, so please register early here!

Facebook photos from the 2017 Arizona REALTORS® at the Capitol