Did you know that many people who use checkboxes on forms in AAR eSign aren’t using them correctly?

The reason for this is checkboxes, by default, are optional. If you’re not taking the correct steps to make them mandatory (when necessary), you’re taking the risk they won’t get checked – and your document signing will not end up the way you want.

There are three states a checkbox may have; Optional (default), Required, and Conditional. Let’s look at how checkboxes work in AAR eSign.


The default state of a checkbox is optional; your signer can choose to check or not check the box. The signing can be completed with the checkbox either checked or not. This is used when a signer is selecting from a list of choices:

    Choose all that apply:

    • ❑  I like chocolate

    • ❑  I like strawberry

    • ❑  I like vanilla

    • ❑  I like sauerkraut with chocolate topping

    As you can see, the optional setting works here because I may select one, two, or no choices at all.


The second state a checkbox may have is Required. There are times when one or more checkboxes must be checked:

    Indicate that you have read and understand the disclosure:

    • ❑  I have read the disclosure in its entirety

    • ❑  I understand everything in the disclosure

Setting the checkbox setting to required takes steps on your part. Setting a checkbox to Required is done at the time when you’re adding the checkbox to the form; Step 4 of the AAR eSign session. Next to the checkbox that you’ve placed on the form, you’ll see a red “x” (to delete the field) and a gear symbol (settings for the field). Clicking on the settings gear opens a window with options for the checkbox; Required, Optional, and Conditional. By selecting the Required option, saving the selection and closing the settings window, you have made that checkbox a required item for the signer.


The third state a checkbox can have is Conditional. This is used when a checkbox depends on another checkbox or field to determine its status. For instance when only one checkbox or another can, or must be used:

    Choose one of the following:

    • ❑  I understand

    • ❑  I don’t understand

In this case, the checkboxes look at each other, when one is checked, the other cannot be checked. You can change your selection by checking the checkbox you selected again to deselect it and then select the other. Another common field used in these instances is the ❍ radio button.

    You can even make a field conditional, if a checkbox is checked:

    • ☑  Have a question? What is the question: ____________________________

In this case, if the user checks the box indicating there is a question, then a field will appear to the right allowing the input of the question. If the checkbox is not checked, the field for the question will not appear.

Setting fields with Conditional logic is also setup using the settings window. This process is a little more complicated and will be covered in another post soon to come.

If you have questions about checkboxes or other AAR eSign features, contact the Arizona REALTORS® Business Services Support team via email or by calling 866.833.7357.