In 2017, the Arizona REALTORS® helped pass HB 2072 that allowed for a real estate broker or sales person to act on behalf of a licensed manufactured housing dealer in the sale of mobile homes and new or used manufactured homes located in a mobile home park.

However, this legislation did not permit the sale of a manufactured home that is not affixed to the land outside of a mobile home park.

Acknowledging that this activity was occurring on the MLS, REALTOR® members brought forward their concerns at the September 2017 REALTOR® Caucus and requested that the law be changed to allow for such sales outside of a mobile home park which are not affixed to the land.

Since Representative Jeff Weninger (R-Chandler) championed HB 2072 last year, the association once again asked for him to champion our bill this legislative session.

And so, HB 2150 was introduced in the House of Representatives in early January. In addition to the Arizona REALTORS®, the Manufactured Housing Communities of Arizona and Manufactured Housing Industry of Arizona signed in support of the legislation. The bill unanimously sailed through the House of Representatives as well as the Senate and on March 16, 2018 was signed by Governor Doug Ducey.

The bill will become effective 90-days after the legislative session adjourns Sine Die.

As passed into law, the bill does the following:

  • Allows a real estate broker or sales person to sell:
    • New or used manufactured homes, mobile homes or factory-built buildings that are affixed to real property and are listed in a contract by its owner for transfer of real estate; and
    • New manufactured homes, if the real estate broker or sales person is acting as an agent for a licensed manufactured housing dealer and the dealer is filing all paperwork and paying all fees.

For more information on HB 2150, please visit the chaptered fact sheet on the legislation.

Related class: Selling Manufactured Homes in Rental Communities – Chandler (May 16, 2018)
Related research: Potential for Higher Returns Lures New Buyers – Marcus & Millichap (First Half 2018)