Real estate signs and riders are an iconic part of American neighborhoods, along with balloons and directions to open houses. Families looking for new homes can cruise around their favorite neighborhoods and easily see what properties are available.

“Under Contract” and “SOLD” riders are a beacon of the American dream in action.

Just like flowers need rain and sunlight to bloom year-after-year, real estate signs need your help to remain part of our communities. Post and panel signs have recently come under attack from one local government that is exploring limiting the location, length and frequency they can be displayed.

The Arizona REALTOR Party had a new, temporary sign ordinance pulled from the Scottsdale City Council agenda, but it’s tentatively scheduled to return for consideration and possible adoption. Read more here.1

By standing with your fellow REALTORS®, you are part of a loud and powerful voice that protects your interests and your industry at every level of government.

The REALTOR® Party is supported by Arizona REALTORS®, and it’s the only organization specifically looking out for the interests of real estate professionals, which means it handles a lot more than just signs. This powerful alliance helps shape policy on taxes, deductions, licensing, and any other issues.

This is why the REALTORS® of Arizona Political Action Committee (RAPAC) relies on support from REALTORS® from Bullhead City to Sierra Vista. There is no stronger voice than one shared and amplified by thousands of people, standing together to promote our country’s most important industry as well as the interests and rights of all Arizona homeowners.

Investing in RAPAC now is just like planting the seeds for a beautiful garden; you make the investment of time and sow the seeds, so they can grow.

So far this year, more than 9,000 members like you have sowed an investment in your political security. Beyond that, 82 of your colleagues have stepped up and invested $1,000 or more each to help RAPAC continue to represent REALTORS® in every city in Arizona.

As spring continues, there is no doubt that more and more For Sale signs will be popping up. With your help today, RAPAC will ensure the best conditions for these signs to stay up and bloom into SOLD signs.

Add your voice by investing in RAPAC today.

1Updated story: Scottsdale approves new rules for signs of the timesScottsdale Independent (May 25, 2017)

Charles Siler is REALTOR® Party Director for the Arizona REALTORS®

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