Current Issues for Arizona REALTORS® – August 2016
Guest blogger Paula Serven, GRI, SFR, e-Pro
As your 2016 Arizona Association of REALTORS® (AAR) President, I want to take this opportunity to share some information on current issues that you may wish to pass along to other members of your association.
First, please sign up for the NAR Call for Action (CFA) text alerts and ask at least one other person to do so. Recently, NAR sent out a grassroots CFA that was successful in reducing restrictions in the Federal Housing Administration’s burdensome condominium approval process and streamlining the USDA’s Rural Housing Service loan process. Education is the key to the kingdom of professionalism and it is every REALTORS®’s duty to themselves, each other and to our clients and customers to respond to the NAR CFAs. Text “REALTORS” to 30644 NOW to sign up!
Legislative & Political Affairs (LPA): The LPA Committee continues to provide Arizona REALTORS® with professional lobbying, legislative analysis and long-term political relationships. With 2016 being an election year, the Arizona REALTORS® has been focused on protecting issues of importance to REALTORS® and homeowners, as well as electing pro-REALTOR® candidates to office. The REALTORS® of Arizona Political Action Committee (RAPAC) endorsed 79 candidates for the Arizona legislature in the primary election and will be active in the general election as well. The RAPAC Voters Guide is available to members only. RAPAC has traditionally had a 96% or higher endorsement rate and we anticipate keeping that record.
In the last legislative session, AAR actively monitored 166 of 1,300 bills introduced at the Arizona Legislature. AAR successfully passed legislation prohibiting cities from restricting short term rentals except for health and safety reasons, and eliminated unfair restrictions on real estate licensees applying for a fingerprint clearance card. For the second year in a row, AAR successfully defeated legislation brought forward by a for-profit institution of higher education to lower its property taxes at the expense of homeowners.
Risk Management: The Risk Management Committee (RMC) is collaborating with the Arizona Department of Real Estate (ADRE), the Arizona Mortgage Lenders Association, and the Arizona State Escrow Association to ensure continuity as the industry continues to implement changes to the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure rules. Through joint meetings, the industries have developed practices designed to increase communications and provide seamless escrow closings for buyers and sellers across the state.
Additionally, the RMC is working to revise AAR’s Residential Resale Real Estate Purchase Contract, which should be released on or about February 1, 2017. As real estate teams continue to increase in popularity across Arizona, the RMC is gathering resources to assist these teams, as well as brokers that employ them, to ensure they possess the necessary tools and information to succeed. And, of course, AAR continues its stellar Professional Standards enforcement and dispute resolution programs.
Professional & Business Development (PBD): The PBD Committee continues to focus on providing value to our members through knowledge and skill development. Education Outreach through AAR brings education classes to local areas around the state and provides opportunities to build your network, sharpen your skills, increase your knowledge and increase your income.
The PBD Committee is gearing up for the annual Industry Partners Conference on September 16 where three industries come together to discuss transactional scenarios and how to work together to close the transaction. This year’s theme, “If this happens, then what,” will feature the nuances of: the buyer obtaining a loan; the inspection period; repairs; due diligence items such as the square footage, termites, flood hazard, homeowners insurance, flood insurance; and seller disclosures such as the SPDS and insurance claims history. There will also be discussions regarding the condition of the premises and warranties; home warranties; appraisals; commitment for title; walkthroughs; and cure period notices. Register for the Industry Partners Conference on September 16 now.
Finally, our Spring Convention continues to exceed expectations in success and attendance. A convention task force is currently working on locations for 2018 and beyond that can accommodate AAR’s program while also meeting the needs of the membership.
Business Services & Technology (BST): The BST Committee has several initiatives that are currently being worked on or are awaiting committee approval for implementation. Tech Marketplace, where members can find a wide selection of products and services at discounted prices, is in the final development stages. Offerings for professional development, efficiency and safety will be among the products and services available to members. BST is also evaluating the possibility of licensing AAR forms to brokers. Currently, third-party forms providers are allowed to license forms and many brokers have expressed interest in doing the same. Additionally, AAR continues to offer business tools, training, video webinars & live support for zipForm®, eSign, and the Tech Helpline.
Internally, AAR is in the process of converting to a new membership management system based on Microsoft Dynamics. The new system will integrate with AAR email campaigns and events to provide seamless reporting and access to data.
Communications: In June, President-elect Paula Monthofer and I met with ADRE Commissioner Judy Lowe to discuss current real estate issues. The video discussions are now available to view on YouTube or read transcripts on the AAR blog.
Arizona REALTORS® received press coverage from five media outlets across the state after successfully completing our Boys & Girls Clubs Tell-A-Story Day project. You can read these articles and other media coverage online. CEO Michelle Lind’s “A World Without AAR” video series is available on the Arizona REALTORS® blog and has been featured in the Arizona REALTOR® Voice e-newsletter. Additionally, AAR is in the final stages of redesigning the association website, which will now be more mobile-friendly and AAR is undergoing a revamp of its social media plan to maximize our presence online.
Local Associations: AAR partners and collaborates with local member associations to accomplish mutual goals, and we regularly communicate with local association leadership on various issues of concern. Cycle Two of NAR’s Core Standards was completed on time and all 19 local associations were certified by AAR. The 2016 Annual AE Workshop was held in July and gave local association executives from around the state an opportunity to network, learn about Cycle Three of NAR’s Core Standards, NAR’s NRDS/Ecommerce updates and formulate their own local communications plans.
Thank you: The application deadline for the Arizona REALTORS® Foundation Challenge $1000 grant is August 26. Finally, if you are interested in serving on an AAR Committee, please fill out an application by September 1.
We are all hard at work to finish out this incredible year and I want to thank each of you for all that you contribute to this great industry. If you have any questions or concerns about the Association or our industry, please contact me or AAR CEO Michelle Lind. Make it a great day and get a listing, a sale, a renter or a landlord to help you teach them why REALTORS® build communities one person and one family at a time!
Thank you!