Watch Out for Email Scam Purporting to “Support Diana”
By Stacey Moncrieff, VP Business Communications, National Association Of REALTORS®
WARNING: If you receive an email appearing to be under the REALTOR® Party banner, it is not from NAR.
The email is a solicitation to help “Support Diana” with a financial donation through GoFundMe. This solicitation is not from the REALTOR® Party or the National Association of REALTORS®. NAR will never solicit donations for personal or individual charities.
NAR only solicits charitable donations through the REALTORS® Relief Foundation.
If you receive this fraudulent email, please alert NAR Member Support at and then DELETE THE EMAIL. Anyone who received the email or sent money to the link in the email should file a complaint with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center at
The National Association of REALTORS® urges its members and state and local REALTOR® associations to be on high alert for email and online fraud.
For more information on cyberscams and cybersecurity best practices, visit these resources: